How to calculate the best performing stock in a historical data?

by rubye_denesik , in category: Technical Analysis , a year ago

How to calculate the best performing stock in a historical data?

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2 answers


by caitlyn , a year ago


To calculate the best performing stock in historical data, you can follow these steps:

  1. Obtain historical data: Gather the historical data of the stocks you wish to analyze. This data should include the stock's price at different points in time.
  2. Identify the time range: Determine the specific time range you want to analyze. It could be a few months, years, or any other duration based on your preference.
  3. Calculate the returns: Calculate the returns for each stock over the chosen time range. To do this, divide the ending price of the stock by the starting price, subtract 1, and multiply by 100 to get a percentage return. This will give you the return percentage for each stock in the chosen time range.
  4. Select the stock with the highest return: Compare the returns calculated in the previous step and select the stock with the highest return. This stock would be considered the best performing stock in the historical data for the chosen time range.

Note: It is important to consider that historical performance does not guarantee future results, and a thorough analysis should be conducted on other factors before making investment decisions.


by mose , a year ago


  1. Obtain historical data: To start, you need access to historical stock data. This data typically includes the opening price, closing price, high and low prices, and trading volume for each day or time period.
  2. Select the time frame: Determine the time frame you want to analyze. This could be a specific period, such as a year, or multiple years to assess long-term performance.
  3. Calculate the returns: To calculate the returns for each stock, you can use the following formula: Return = ((Ending Price - Starting Price) / Starting Price) * 100 Repeat this calculation for each stock in your data set for the selected time frame.
  4. Identify the best performing stock: Once you have calculated the returns for each stock, compare them to identify the stock with the highest return. This stock can be considered the best performing stock for the given historical data and time frame.

Additional considerations:

  • Adjust for dividends and stock splits: If a stock paid dividends or underwent stock splits during the selected time frame, adjustments may be needed to accurately calculate returns.
  • Compare against benchmark: To provide context, consider comparing the performance of the best performing stock against a relevant benchmark index, such as the S&P 500, to assess its outperformance.
  • Use statistical measures: In addition to returns, you can also analyze additional statistical measures like standard deviation, Sharpe ratio, and beta to evaluate risk-adjusted performance.

Remember that historical performance is not indicative of future results, and it's essential to conduct comprehensive research and analysis before making any investment decisions.